Some of you might wonder why I am writing about this, though I think a lot of you may know. I do love talking, and I love art and making it, amazing how much trouble people can cause me just for that. “Love is a many splendored thing”, “Love is a kind of madness.” In fact I told Arielle “Love is a kind of madness.” at one point. ” “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” not that I scorned her though I do not like lies, in fact I hate them… Now much of this you might wonder why would I be effected by or believe when I was seeing her, well when you are in love with someone and they are in love with you, why would you not, why would they lie to you… and why would not care when you realise they are a compulsive liar… or a pathological liar… and not a ‘harmless’ one… and was rather distressing to realise that someone you cared about deeply had so many psychological problems, she did tell me she was bonkers among many other things, but still insisted her lies about herself, her family were all true and that she had been planning to commit suicide and kill herself for years and I was the only reason she decided not too… As she loved me so much… I have known many beautiful women a number of them have liked me very much… and her being a rather stunningly beautiful woman who seemed to think she could lie and act anyway about things she liked, where as I like the truth surely the foundations of a good relationship…

I met her as she was an art model, and as she eventually told me a fashion model or was and has since been… I booked her for a sculpture / sculptural installation ‘Aphrodite Rising’, I was looking for a stunningly beautiful 25 to 28 year old art model, her look I thought was perfect for the piece, though younger. I have still not made the piece, she decided to hit on me rather than model for me. I have been hit on by many women including 2 world famous popstars and a number of models which might surprise some, but that is part of my life and it is not that unusual in my life that stunningly beautiful intelligent women like me… Though she is the youngest woman I have ever been in a relationship with… she was beautiful, why I wanted her to model for ‘Aphrodite Rising’ and intelligent, she did claim she was a member of MENSA which would not surprise me…

There is so much hypocrisy in the world… Lauren Bacall, was 19 years old, a former model starring in her first leading film role when she met Humphrey Bogart who was 45 years old and is still classed as one of the great and most glamorous romances of Hollywood… Not that you have to be famous to fall in love… Arielle De Lacy was definitely in love with me and we were seeing each other whatever she has claimed since… I also do believe she has lied and accused me of things that never happened and been involved with others trying to destroy my life…





Date:20.06.2013 00:09:37




You might wonder I why backed up and kept so much… well she was very disturbed, not by me, but life and her parents, I was her heart and the person that tried to help her and the only person she thought could… because she loved me and was in love with me, as I loved her and was in love with her at the time… and when it comes to her problems she was and still is right…

And of course the originals are backed up all over the place… And no 18 or 19 as she was is not my usual interest in women, as I told her virtually from the time she jumped all over me naked and told me she wanted to be with me, 28 is my favourite age for a woman… To which she told me the last man she wanted to be in a relationship with was 48, an artist and lived in Holland Park, one of her favourite areas in London…

And in case you are wondering if it is from her;

The Norman-British in her ambiguous ethnicity should have been a clue… O she claimed to be the direct descent of the De Lacy family through one of her grandmothers… and to come from Rochester… RAM the ‘registry of artists models’… Where art schools get a lot of their life / nude models from… among others… O her age yes, well since I was about 15 years old most of the women I have had hit on me or show an interest in me have been between 20 to 30… 35… Which is still the case… Most seem to think I am between 32 – 36 years old, including recently… Though on Santorini in 2015 a group of people walked by staring at me and obviously talking about me saying 26, 28 years old at the most… Bit nuts… So it appears my ‘genetic’ age is say around 35… Now ones genetic age is actually a thing, scientifically… as opposed to ones birth age… and a lot of women like older men… Though the the women in their 20’s who hit on me or show an interest in me are obviously not looking for a father figure, as women in their 20’s that are looking to a man for that have grey hair and and wrinkles… And older women if looking to someone hit on a man or toy boy go for someone younger than 35… Also the majority of the women that have hit on me or shown interest in me have generally been beautiful to stunningly beautiful as well as intelligent, and that from when I was 15 till now… obviously with some exceptions… And scientifically people tend to find their own level of attractiveness attractive… With Arielle / Ava D she did as she told me on many occasions find me extremely physically attractive among other things… Also though why so many men hit on her and women on me… and why we found each other so attractive magnetic was pheromones…
Though I am sure a lot more people would say Arielle is beautiful than would me… and yes women have used the term beautiful for me, actually beautiful and sexy among others… Including a few stunningly beautiful fashion models… also Arielle / Ava D though qualifying it by saying beautiful was not exactly the word… gorgeous and a number of others… and they many people will not get it, there must be something about my looks as it has happened so much throughout my life… Though I am not particularly vain or narcissistic, and am always surprised that stunningly beautiful women or some like me… Unlike Arielle / Ava D who told me on many occasions she was extremely vain, narcissistic, bonkers and suicidal… Where as me I am just me, some people like me some people don’t…

If anyone thinks I take the slightest pleasure in this… they are sadly mistaken… I could have done this years ago… but never wanted to believe it was Arielle / Axelle / and as I found out much more recently Ava D all the same person… with many others lying about me… or in fact one of the main ones… Now I did know back in 2013 / 2014 she and her mother had spoken to people in Spain or put things up on the internet… As people mentioned a few things only we would know about, though not in relation to her, more as a figure of speech or what someone told me was a saying, though I had never heard it before… Or talking in general all, neither about me or her directly, but a strange coincidence or not so as it turns out… Though what and where I think other people know… Trying to find things when you do not know what exactly you are looking for is difficult in the extreme, and if it is in private groups or even publicly available unless they use my name, I do think they have used my photograph though…

Arielle (Axelle / Gemma / Ava D) at Hever Castle Kent… She had asked to go there as she told me she had not been there since she was a kid and her father took her… I asked her if her house was as big as Hever Castle… The one she told me she lived in in the country… Arielle did say it was, the main part but not as all of it… as big her house that is… We spent sometime walking around… Then the lake walk… and when we were at the other end to the castle she wanted to lay down by the lake… as usual she tok her dress off… wanted to get my cloths off, but I said No… Not el fresco nude personally… Arielle then laid on top of me naked… I did say people could see from the boats, but she did not care… Lots of other conversation as well… She was very quick at taking her clothes off and putting them back on… We ended up getting locked in as she would not put her clothes back on… and had to walk round and ask how to get back out… We then had dinner in the nearby pub… Arielle always wanted to eat vast amounts of food… I did wonder if she was bulimic (bulimia nervosa), though she told me she was gluten intolerant… O Arielle had just had her hair straightened a few days before, 4 hours in a hair salon in Shoreditch, Brazilian wax or some such… I wondered off and left her to it… Though returned when she phoned… they did give me a cocktail for free in there but… Also I preferred her hair wavy as it naturally was…





Date:30.06.2013 23:19:08

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Call failed..dubious Indian welsh mother didn’t hang up. x



Arielle’s mother took her mobile off her while we were talking… I was checking if she was alright… I had been down to Rochester to see her… and go around her old school King’s School Rochester, though not sure if she actually went there or something strange happened, as when we were walking around she heard someones voice, and said it was an old teacher she wanted to avoid… So we left the school building and went to the cafe… Then she also use to jump on me in Rochester castle, though not this day, and sit straddled on top of me… Which I did point out, as Arielle was not wearing knickers and had to pull her dress up each time… and coming from the area people would see… But she laughed and said they would assume she was wearing knickers and did not really care anyway… Then whenever Arielle use to see me she would get so excited she would literary jump up and down and try to take all her clothes off and jump on me… where ever we were…





Date:21.06.2013 22:09:16

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:I meant I’m so accustomed to isolation, that you may be frustrated by my b=

ehaviour and have given up by the time I adjust to being with you.=0A=0AI = wish your arms were around me.






Date:21.06.2013 22:22:02

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:I do recognise and truly love you. I’m going to let sleep take me, if you’=


Strange how someone can love me so much that they jump up and down with excitement whenever they see me and then take all their clothes off and jump on me naked… Well dress Arielle, my cat of many names… hardly ever wore any underwear / lingerie… Tell me how much she loves me and she had not committed suicide as she had planned for many years because she met

me. Then when I want some truth from her about who she is and why she lies so much about herself… Then when it does not work out… Spreads lies about me, to try to totally fuck my life up… I do wonder do all my ex’s do this… They all want to give me their ‘heart and soul’… (Well apart from Arielle, she wanted to give me all of her, but I was her heart… ) Is that what some people do, though I understand the Euripedes quote… Now…

“Stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate. Incurable, in each, the wounds they make.” Euripides…

I must say personally one thing I realise in respect to this quote is I have a total inability to hate, ex-lovers, people in general, which even I find odd, I can love but I cannot hate… I can dislike or hate some things in the abstract, but hate people no… Though I am not convinced that is reciprocated especially by my ex-lovers… I understand the Euripides quote, but do not understand how someone can love some one so much and then when it does not work out hate them… Or maybe they thought as I think it is more that my cat of many names lets say… That they thought they would lie, spread lies about me, conspire with other people, before I could tell the truth of things… Maybe especially as I mentioned on my blog in 2015 that I was writing a book about my travels, my odyssey around the Mediterranean back-packing with Pete… They thought I would probably after writing that, write about each part of my life in a series of books… and as I say tell the truth of things… Then I can only guess at peoples motivation… even ones I know well…

So they thought they would get in first with a bunch of lies to discredit me…

And because my blog… went worldwide, as was obvious with the 100’s of people that came down to Mykonos harbour to see me before I left the island… calling out ‘Odysseus’ and ‘Beauty’ to me… As well as many other things, including talking to 2 armed police when I arrived at Gatwick airport, to say I was being hassled across the Greek Islands and Athen’s over lies spread about me… And they laughed and replied “What like ‘Thundering Through the Desert Being Chased by a Pack of Wild Dogs ?” then laughed again, and when asked by me ‘How do you know the name of my blog ?’ laughing again and saying “We do not know what you are talking about” only part of the conversation… Then others jumped on the band wagon to discredit me… A strange conversation with an oilman standing next to my car in central London in 2015 on the price of oil and it falling from $100 a barrel down to $50 a barrel… I had mentioned on my blog that fossil fuels were so 19th century and renewables were the future… Strange religious types and a whole assortment of other people… down to the just plain stupid and jealous…

The strange thing is I still love my ex’s, though am not in love with them… and would not have said or done or written anything bad or to make them look in a bad light… I always intended with most of them, well some of them to check they were alright, in themselves and financially, and help them if I could if they were not… Thinking being one of the greatest artists on the planet and other positive things. I would have the money too, as well as get on with my other projects, you could say tech ones… Projects I had virtually though not completely suspended while helping to look after my mother and always on emergency call if I was needed and not there… When it comes to Arielle, my cat of many names… I always intended to help her more than most as she needed as much help as possible with her psychological problems… Not just her lying and / or total inability to tell the truth about so many things… But her suicidal tendencies, depression and engagement with the world etc… Can my ex’s hate me so much or was it the chance of financial gain or a form of celebrity… Or as a number told of ex’s have told me when we were together how jealous they were of me and my talents… Which I also never understood as I was always genuinely encouraging to them on theirs, or to do what they wanted… Now with Arielle De Lacy / Ava D or whatever name she goes by now… If she did not want to be with me that was her choice as it was to hit on me originally, tell me she loved me, totally completely, absolutely and for ever… As if she wanted to be with someone else… that was also her choice and nothing I could do about that… You want to be with someone or you don’t, and though it might have broken my heart at the time that she disappeared on me, though the last time I saw her she obviously still loved me… and was probably still in love with me… In fact she actually told me she was… I explained again to her whether we were still seeing each other or as friends, it would be good to know the truth from the lies she had told me about who she was, well everything she could… She spent so much time tying to convince me she was serious about me, and she really loved me, she told me that she was going to inherit 2 million pounds on her 21st birthday from her grandmother and would give it to me so I could make my art… As I said at the time, why a wonderful idea, and rather lovely of her to say… I was not bothered about that, as I did love and care about her…

VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:21.06.2013 20:21:39 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Sorry for the silence.. we’d decided to go out, as the gardener’s auditory= pollution was maddening, and then my phone died. =0AShe concluded that I = was wasting my youth, but my parents’ approval isn’t at all necessary. =0A=

Arielle my cat of many names, explaining how her parents were upset she was in love with me, and how she was arguing with them that I was the one for her… Myself since she kept on about suicide was scared, something I am not generally use too, that if her parents made her stop seeing me, she would commit suicide as she had planned before she met me, and said she would if she was not seeing me anymore… She knew many places famous for suicide and was surprised I did not… It is obvious about her, to hate me so much, as to try to destroy my life… She must still love me so much… in some way…. Or maybe it is for gain she has done this… Be obsessed with me and know I am still her heart, I wonder was it too painful for her to have a heart… Or is it too painful for her to think her heart is wandering in the world, happy, brilliant and loved by others… and maybe loving some one else… Well she and other people have definitely tried to stop that happening… Then among the many lies my cat of many names has told about me, I suspect that she has said we were never in any kind of relationship… She did not love me and was not in love with me… and that I was not an artist… or a poet… writer or photographer… or not a real one or a world class one… Which I am and have been since very young… Just often do other things…

My art from my book…
Russell Hand
07/06/2013 (09:02:18 AM EDT)
Arielle de Lacy
12 Attachments[Save All]
 Text (1 KB)  
Some art from my book… cover then facing pages text on the left images on the right…
 Head Smith’s Empire.jpg (158 KB)  

This is a thumbnail of an image attachment.

 I even know what thought was in my eyes then.pdf (142 KB)  
 boy.pdf (209 KB)   
 Absent:Presence.pdf (421 KB)   
 Present-Absence.pdf (451 KB)   
 Never think we are….pdf (38 KB)  
 Never think we are image.pdf (310 KB)   
 Text (1 KB)  
3 paintings from a series… Childish Pleasures… The first 2 are old the last is 2012…
 Blue.pdf (457 KB)   
 yellow.pdf (412 KB)   
 Childish pleasures 3.pdf (300 KB)   
 Text (1 KB)  
1 from mouth series…
 Mouth-painting.pdf (290 KB)   
 Text (1 KB)  
And 2 pages of text…
 I don’t know whether this world has a meaning that transcends it.pdf (69 KB)  
 Words Or On Art.pdf (106 KB)  
 Text (1 KB)  
Had to resize all to 72 dpi to send…

I’ll send you some more in a little while…



From: Date: To: Text (1 KB) Russell Hand
06/07/13 (09:55:56 CST) Arielle de Lacy
5 Attachments[Save All] More art from my book & Arielle… Though not sure Arielle is finished or works, what do you think… ? The Angel Of History text.pdf (87 KB) The angel of history.pdf (361 KB)
If And When…pdf (47 KB)
Text (1 KB) There is no image with the one above If and When… well at least at the moment… For I Have To Go, I Have To Leave…pdf (90 KB) I Have To Go, I Have To Leave….pdf (289 KB) Text (1 KB)
Dusky golden skin,
dusky wavy long tresses Dusky eyes,
dark blue,
dusky heart but with the sun,
heart and mind somewhere dark,
looking to the light,
Aphrodite’s child lead astray,
spaced, almost lost,
labyrinthine thoughts tangled,
such melancholic beauty,
calls to my heart,
as mine to hers,
both bathed in a golden light…
Russell X
Some art from my book… cover then facing pages text on the left images on the right… Head Smith’s Empire.jpg (158 KB) This is a thumbnail of an image attachment. I even know what thought was in my eyes then.pdf (142 KB) boy.pdf (209 KB)
Absent:Presence.pdf (421 KB)
Present-Absence.pdf (451 KB) Never think we are….pdf (38 KB) Never think we are image.pdf (310 KB) Text (1 KB) 3 paintings from a series… Childish Pleasures… The first 2 are old the last is 2012… Blue.pdf (457 KB)
yellow.pdf (412 KB)
Childish pleasures 3.pdf (300 KB)
Text (1 KB)
1 from mouth series…
Mouth-painting.pdf (290 KB)
Text (1 KB)
And 2 pages of text…
I don’t know whether this world has a meaning that transcends it.pdf (69 KB) Words Or On Art.pdf (106 KB)
Text (1 KB)
Had to resize all to 72 dpi to send…
I’ll send you some more in a little while…


Arielle / Axelle / Ava D… My cat of many names did ask me to send her some of my art, writing etc… To show her mother and did say I could trust her with my unshown and unpublished work… and trust her in general… Interesting…

More art from my book…
Russell Hand
07/06/2013 (10:55:56 AM EDT)
Arielle de Lacy
5 Attachments[Save All]
 Text (1 KB)  
More art from my book & Arielle… Though not sure Arielle is finished or works, what do you think… ?
 The Angel Of History text.pdf (87 KB)  
 The angel of history.pdf (361 KB)   
 If And When…pdf (47 KB)  
 Text (1 KB)  
There is no image with the one above If and When… well at least at the moment…
 For I Have To Go, I Have To Leave…pdf (90 KB)  
 I Have To Go, I Have To Leave….pdf (289 KB)   
 Text (1 KB)  

Dusky golden skin,
dusky wavy long tresses
Dusky eyes,
dark blue,
dusky heart but with the sun,
heart and mind somewhere dark,
looking to the light,
Aphrodite’s child lead astray,
shadowed, spaced, almost lost,
labyrinthine thoughts tangled,
such melancholic beauty,
calls to my heart,
as mine to hers,
both bathed in a golden light…



More art from my book… From: Date: To: Arielle de Lacy
06/07/13 (11:26:51 CDT) Russell Hand Text (2 KB)
It’s beautiful.. And I like the slight, raw confusion, but imagine you’ll alter it a little.
Thank you for trusting me.
xx Arielle being dramatic…

Why she would accuse me of nasty things that never happened… Well she was and I take it still is a pathological liar… The above email and the work in it is from my book which is now in The Tate special archive of artists books… Which Arielle saw and could have copied anytime if she wanted too… apart from me sending her some in the above email… Though the book my artists book was not finished then… Though she loved what she saw, which was most of it… and thought it a work of genius… Especially if she thinks or thought she could gain from it… And though she was totally completely and absolutely in love with me or so she said… Her mother was at her, night and day to hate me and no longer love me… Which though she always claimed it would not work it obviously did… Though it goes far further than pathological into psychopathology to try to not only destroy my life but myself… Though not being a clinical psychologist I cannot diagnose her… Cat rolling over and purring after stalking and biting me in Greenwich park… shot on my mobile phone as social as a couple… an ex… Earlier shot of cat stalking me… ex Greenwich park… Tender cat bite… Greenwich park London… reverse order chronologically… More of my ex and the woman who thought she was my cat… and yes it is Arielle De Lacy / Axelle De Lacy / Ava D art model and fashion model… Or as she liked to be called my cat… Or my cat of many names… well and my cat of many lies… Never known anyone that would lie about so many things about herself or who she was… things I still do not understand why anyone would lie about… When we were walking through Greenwich park that day in London, well I was actually giving her a piggyback, we walked past some police and she started calling ‘Help’ and laughing one looked around laughed… none of them blinked at us to put it one way going through the park together… Then if I am honest when we were seeing each other… I did know she was a pathological liar, probably a psychopath, a manic depressive (bi-polar), insecure, suspected she was bulimic and had various other problems… But wanted to help her… Well I was in love with her and she was with me… at the time… and should you not try to help the ones you love… rather than going along with their fantasies and lies… bu that might be one of the main reason we are no longer together… Now even if she starts saying Yes she was in love with… which I am sure she has not been saying… I could imagine she will come up with more lies and excuses for the lies she has been telling… One thing I can absolutely guarantee between my cat of many names Arielle / Ava D etc… is that if she wanted to do or try something I might well do, but if she did not then we would not, and even if she did want to do try something and then changed her mind and said No or Stop… It would be No or Stop and we would not carry on doing whatever I / we were doing… In fact Arielle use to say No to a lot of things and say yes to a lot of things… Which was her right and privilege, I had no problem with that. The idea I would make her do anything I find funny and I am sure she would have done when we were seeing each other, it tended to be more the other way around her trying to get me to do things I did not want too and she was not so magnanimous with me. Generally I said Yes about things if asked by her, or if it was something I really objected too I would say No… She was more than aware or so she said that she had psychological problems, though did not seem to understand lying was one of them. A human beings basic psychological structure is formed by the time they are 5 years old, which means if someone is a pathological liar, they have been since at least 5 years old, it also means they always will be except if the have extensive psychiatric treatment / therapy and even then it will not ‘cure’ them as such, but help them to adjust to their situation in a more positive way. A woman who I talked too just after Arielle / Ava D etc… soon after Arielle / Ava D disappeared on me, though I did not mention her name too, when I did a little while few months ago, she had a quick search for her online found and sent me a link on her, which told me, fashion link, about her and lying. Which told me she was still lying about herself after she was no longer seeing me… She did use to say she was like Blanche DeBois, the character out of Tennessee Williams’ ‘Street Car Named Desire’ one of my favourite plays by an American playwright and film. As Arielle said she loved hot baths, cups of tea and was just like Blanche DeBois. I did say to her Blanche DeBois, was a ‘prostitute’ in the play, a woman ‘that relied on the kindness of strangers’. That Arielle turned around and said but not that, I was sort of joking with her partly to do with the madness reference by her. Then she seemed rather taken with the idea she was like one of the main characters in ‘Girl Interrupted’ as well. a film about psychological problems. But then going on about suicide and the psychological problems, was a way of manipulation, of getting me to feel sorry for her and try to help her, though she did not seem in the least interested in trying to do anything about them, treatment etc… She has absolutely no compunction about telling the truth about anything and sees absolutely nothing wrong with lying, especially if it benefits her or empowers her. Which I would assume is part of her basic psychological structure. When I met her mother that once, she implied she knew Arielle / Ava D was ‘difficult’ or had psychological problems. Arielle use to tell me what her mother was saying about me to try to convince her to stop being in love with me or seeing me, which included telling her I would probably give her diseases, several and she should see, get into a relationship with an accountant or someone who earned and had lots of money. And as Arielle put it, use to go on to her ‘night and day’ about it. She kept saying her mother would not change her mind Arielle’s that is, virtually to the day she disappeared on me, because she loved me so much and wanted to be with me. What Arielle failed to comprehend and objected to was the reason I wanted her to stop lying about herself to me so I could trust her, or that it was the basis of a good relationship, honesty and trusting each other. I assume Arielle / Ava D is the same now, unless she has undergone years of psychological treatment, which she obviously has not, otherwise she would not be lying about me and getting others too. Her motivations I can only guess at, money, fame, power… By that I mean the power of destroying someone she once loved, might still do but hates me more than she loves now, power to destroy someones life that is brilliant… Jealousy because I am brilliant, she did think I was a genius… Maybe revenge for someone that simply wanted some truth from her, even though she was totally and completely in love with me, Arielle / Ava D still would not be truthful about so much… and told me she was not honest with her parents… As she is not currently with anyone… and I do mean anyone… I would suspect… Honest that is… Another reason or 2 Arielle Ava D had a ‘problem’ being with me, is she did actually love me… In a text she is saying that by the time she adjusts to being with me I might not want to still be with her… and because I had some effect on her, she wanted me to really love her, jumped all over me naked, or with clothes on… What she was telling me in the text was she was having ‘trouble’ coping with actually loving me or feeling love… as from the things she said she had not for anyone before… Though being beautiful she is extremely good at pretending she loves or cares ‘performance’… She is even better now I would presume, than she was, except with someone like me… She did seem to really dislike her parents from what she told me… and continually told me they were the ones that totally fucked her up… In fact she said they had been going on at her since she was 3… She had told me her mother was terminally ill and had gone past a few dates when the doctors thought she would die… But told me it did not matter and she did not care as she was with me now… Which to be honest scared the shit out of me, not that she wanted to be with me but about her mother… Then her mother is the kind of mother that wants to live through her children… control their lives, always thinks they know best, one of those nasty sad rather repulsive women, who do not like their own lives so think it is right that they should decide, what in Arielle’s case her life should be… Arielle did tell me she had a brother who was off at university, Oxford or Cambridge, and could not wait to get out of his parents house before he left for university… Who really did not like his parents either… I should have been more supportive of her about her parents, though I wanted nothing to do with them… I suppose when I think of parents I think of mine, who were supporting, encourage me to do whatever I wanted, and had enough respect for me to think I could make my own decisions… and opened the world to me… Arielle’s parents seem to not have the least respect for her as an individual or human being, she was their ‘child’ and needed to be patronised and told what to do… what was best for her, who she should know and be with… irrespective of what she wanted… Whether she was predestined and predisposed to be a sociopath or not, and a pathological liar and have various psychological problems, nurture / nature, DNA, what genes on turned on or off, her parents from what she told me, her parents did not alleviate or help with her problems but made them far worse… I say parents, though it seemed to be mostly her mother, she blamed most… Though when arguing with her parents about being in love with me and wanting to be with me, she did say her father tried to tell her mother to let her be… she wouldgrow out of it. I would assume her mother is the same sad psychotic controlling rather repulsive person now… It is also why when Arielle / Ava D sent me a cypher the key was ‘pain’ which she said when I asked her was because it was the French for bread… But I thought it might have more to do with the English ‘pain’ she actually felt pain being in love with me or loving anyone… Also she is gluten intolerant so why the French for ‘bread’ something she cannot eat… unless it is a special gluten free bread… Maybe a bit rambling she told me so many things at different times… Personally I do not want to control or manipulate people, especially ones I love… My work / art is about opening up the world to people, understanding where we are, what we are and where we could go… O and in case you still do not think who I am talking about here is a more recent photograph not by me of Ava D, the women I first knew as Axelle De Lacy then Arielle De Lacy and her mother called Gem, which though at the time she told me it was a nickname as in a precious Gem her mother had for her, I do suspect as I did at the time it is her birth name Gemma…

The 2 photographs above are not by me, Arielle De Lacy now calling herself Ava D… I take it meaning Ava De Lacy unless she has changed her complete name… Though her family or her parents are Lacey not Lacy… Ava D fashion model who I knew by several names including Arielle De Lacy. It is not one of my photographs so if there is any copyright problem or issues and the photographer, their agents etc can contact me and I will be more than happy to ask for permission to post it or remove it. Though obviously she might have changed her name again, which seems to be her thing, as her parents name is Lacey, not De Lacy… A blurry photograph of Arielle De Lacy / Ava D, that wanted to marry me and was in love with me… But we never consummated our love… being a virgin she said she wanted to make sure I was the one… But she did like to wander around naked, jump on me naked, and drape herself on me… including coming onto the roof terrace naked and jumping on my back while I was smoking… I use to tell her not to do this… Which caused her to squat by the french windows to the roof terrace and meow forlornly at me… I actually call her sometimes mycat of many names… As she use to say she was my cat and use to meow at me when she stayed with me… She even filled in a questionnaire in a designer shop in Knightsbridge… Cannot remember which fashion house… But she had just bought a £2,000 dress, that she said her father was paying for, that she told me would be her wedding dress for our marriage… She filled in questionnaire for them… Occupation: Cat, Interests: Russell, Residence: Owner Russell… She only put the apron on as she did not want soap suds on her body… Though and art and fashion model, never actually modelled for me for either, too busy jumping all over me and smothering me in kisses… Everyone is talking about ethics at the moment, particularly when it comes to AI. AI is expected to be just and ethical though most people are not, nor corporations, nor the law. I wonder what you think… Should lying little shits lie about me and mess up my life and maybe steal my work… or claim it as theirs… Do you think that is just… The kind of future you want… When liars no matter whether beautiful or not can do this… After telling me she was in love and wanted to marry me, if she changed her mind that was up to her. I would not want to be with someone who did not want to be with me, and to be honest she was a bit of a head fuck to be around, lying all the time about herself, about her family who she was and virtually everything else and telling me she had intended to kill herself and would if she was not with me… Arielle De Lacy / Ava D on the roof terrace with her clothes on for a change… Though acting bonkers, though she was cute as well as beautiful… You might wonder how I know she was calling herself Ava D… well I have shot fashion and worked with some of the biggest fashion modelling agencies in the world, and do look at lots of different modelling agencies from time to time… I did once ask her if she wanted me to recommend her to Models1 and ask Alice who was at the time the head of new faces and main scout for them to see her, she said no at the time… I had only done this once before for a woman that modelled for me Charli Howard, to say thank you to her, Charli Howard was not happy with her fashion modelling agencies or booker at the time, a agency and booker she often used the word ‘cunt’ in reference to both… who Alice did see… I came across Ava D one time Arielle De Lacy on a fashion agency site based in Milan, though she is no longer on their website… A thing I do not think most people know, most fashion models even with the biggest agencies in the world do not make much money, no matter how beautiful they are. Apart from having shot fashion, I have known fashion models since I was at the Chelsea School of Art and at other art schools since… Super models do, but not most fashion models, I remember chatting to 2 fashion models, not ones I photographed and before I did any fashion photography. Apart from telling me off, because their friend who was a 5’11” German fashion model with one of the biggest fashion modelling agencies in the world, who looked a lot like Cameron Diaz, O because as they said she really liked me, and asking her to model for some art when she wanted to go for a drink with me, upset her, as she spent all her time modelling, so being asked to model by someone she really liked was not the right thing to do… Opps… They also told me they were going to stop fashion modelling, as they had spent a number of years travelling the world walking in fashion weeks everywhere, going to parties and having lots of fun, but by the time they had paid for flights, hotels, transport and the cut to their agencies took, they have ended up with no money from it, but lots of fun memories, but wanted to do something else now… Arielle never told me to start with, she was a fashion model, as I mentioned once I had been out with a few fashion models and probably would not again… She latter told me she had been with a fashion modelling agency, not one of the main ones, in fact one I had never heard of in London and stopped going to castings because she was with me and I mentioned about fashion models… Nothing against fashion models but it can be difficult, lets say… I will explain another time… When she told me that I told her she should not have done that, stopped going to castings and left her agency… I did not want her todo things just to please me, and if she would have told me at the time I would not have stopped seeing her… The reason I offered to send her to Models1, but she said no… Then another time she rung after I knew she had been a fashion model to say she was going to a male model fashion week party with a male fashion model friend she knew… I did say I was hoping to see her but if that is what she wanted to do… She rang a little while later to say, she would obviously prefer to see me than hang around with a bunch of male models and she would be at mine soon… and of course turned up soon afterward and jumped all over me smothering me in kisses… Arielle / Ava D sitting around looking grumpy… and though when with me she was hardly ever even slightly grumpy… It was because I went to draw her and she did not feel like it so I took this quick shot… and then she jumped all over me and started smiling… My cat of many names asleep in bed… Sleeping beauty Arielle De Lacy / Ava D… She use to tell me she use to sleep badly and wake up in a horrible mood… But whenever she was with me, and stayed over she woke up so happy and alive… A quick Polaroid SX-70 shot while she was asleep… She use to follow me from room to room, often naked, but clothed as well and asked me once if I thought it was creepy… I laughed and said no, most men in the world would pay for the privilege of having a beautiful women like her follow them around clothed or naked… She said she did not like being in a different room from me… Even use to come into the bathroom whatever I was doing… A little later waking up and happy… another blurry shot… She turned up once very excited waving her passport at me, saying lets go to Sweden… She knew I was worried about and old friend of mine from art school Adam, who for various reasons was on his ’17th nervous breakdown’ quite literally… He was still living in Sweden at the time and I wanted to go out and rescue him… I said no at the time, mistake should have run my mother and brother to check all was OK with them and there was not likely to be an emergency or they needed me, packed a bag and driven off to the port with her… she so wanted to drive with me across Europe… Then her parents probably would have had the police after me for kidnapping… Later Arielle told me her mother had taken her passport and hidden it so she could not go abroad with me…

VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:30.06.2013 22:56:12 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:You’re never alone. Did you not receive my email saying I’d lost my mind (= and consequently my phone)? I love you. x END:VBODY


VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:01.07.2013 22:19:47 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:I had an unplanned reading with an Irish medium today and yesterday fell i= nto the sea at Margate (non-suicidally, though my derri=C3=A8re still hurt= s considerably), so we have that in common.

Not sure why we have that in common… she told me she had fallen over and landed on her derrière / bruised her coccyxes… I did not have a pain … I remember what she meant… She meant she was ‘a pain in the arse’ or she was my ‘pain in the arse’… Also her mentioning ‘non-suicidally’ as she continually went on about killing herself if she was not with me. Coercion for me to be with her. She did have a good sense of humour about somethings… Then she did tell me she had a strange condition where one side was numb on her body, no feeling, nerve sense… sometimes… which disappeared when she was with me… The power of love… Why she fell over at Margate…

VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:01.07.2013 22:22:46 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Yes, tomorrow.. You seem to be receiving my messages after a delay.. I jus= t arrived home. x

VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:01.07.2013 22:27:51 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:In awkward conversation with parrots. I shall tell you tomorrow. When shou= ld I come? X

VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:02.07.2013 12:55:03 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:There’s a nightmare personified standing by your gate. X END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG I rushed out thinking she was hassled… She did get men hitting on her of all ages wherever she went and as she often told me, they were incredibly persistent… The ‘nightmare’ she was referring too… Was herself… BEGIN:VMSG
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:21.06.2013 22:22:02 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:I do recognise and truly love you. I’m going to let sleep take me, if you’= re ok. x END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG Arielle causes me lots of distress then tells me she loves me and then asks if I am OK… She seems to love me so much but does not know how to cope with it or be that comfortable caring for some one other than herself… Might sound harsh but she had told me that herself when we were talking… she was more used to pretending to care, than actually caring, had not happened to her before and confused her… BEGIN:VMSG VERSION:1.1 X-IRMC-STATUS:READ
Date:15.08.2013 16:49:43 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Are you back? END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG Asking if I was back from Spain… BEGIN:VMSG VERSION:1.1 X-IRMC-STATUS:READ X-IRMC-BOX:INBOX BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:15.08.2013 17:03:02 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:I’m talking, but we don’t seem able to hear each other, so it seems more e= fficient to text.
We literary could not hear each other on the phone… BEGIN:VMSG VERSION:1.1
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:15.08.2013 19:07:03 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Just called photographer (purestorm) and he said he’d remove nudes when he= gets home on Sunday END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG That was about nudes of Arielle / Ava D that were not that ‘pleasant’… and I was not back from Spain as I am sure got this message when I was still down there… BEGIN:VMSG
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:15.08.2013 19:20:10 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Cut off, tried to call you back, but went straight to voicemail END:VBODY
My reception was terrible, was not not answering… and was back in London… BEGIN:VMSG VERSION:1.1
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:15.08.2013 23:34:53 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Here’s the number of the ward I’m on leave from, =0A01634 833768 END:VBODY
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:15.08.2013 23:39:43 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:You could phone tomorrow morning, say you’re my father and ask whether I’m= supposed to attend at 11 or 12 END:VBODY
END:VMSG She wanted me to pretend to be her father so they would verify she had been sectioned and had tried to kill herself… We had had a small disagreement on the phone and I told her off a little bit about lying to me about virtually everything… and how the photographs I had seen taken of her nude by dubious photographers really did not make her look like a princess or queen… No disagreements, not believing her, being annoyed that she had lied to me, or made herself look so bad letting dubious photographers take terrible photographs of her making er look more like a prostitute than a queen otherwise she tries to kill herself or tells me she does… BEGIN:VMSG
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:16.08.2013 00:15:11 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Will you still hold me? END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG I answered of course I still would, I still loved her and was in love with her… Why would I not… BEGIN:VMSG
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:16.08.2013 10:24:57 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:You know I need you to. I was supposed to be going to the hospital now to = probably be discharged, but still look distressed from yesterday, so have = phone booking yesterday I’ve got a busy day today but promise to call = you later!=0AHope your ok xxx
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:16.08.2013 18:43:46 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:It just said I didn’t make it to the hospital to be (probably) discharged = as I still looked distressed from yesterday and thought it would cause con= cern, so phoned and said I was ill.
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:16.08.2013 20:10:07 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:That’s very strange..=0A=0AI sent=0A=0A”You know I need you to. I was supp= osed to be going to the hospital now to probably be discharged, but still = look distressed from yesterday, so have phoned to say I’m ill and am waiti= ng to hear back from psychiatrists whether I need to go or not.” END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG Got only part of this message a few times why Arielle sent again… BEGIN:VMSG VERSION:1.1 X-IRMC-STATUS:READ X-IRMC-BOX:INBOX BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:16.08.2013 20:54:13 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Still opportunistically looking for documents. Shall speak when I see you = tomorrow evening. Xx
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:16.08.2013 21:12:01 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:I’ve found a lot if psychiatric and social services reports. Only problem = is I crossed my name out in them years ago as I didn’t want to be identifi= able in case they were seen by anyone.
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:16.08.2013 23:12:59 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:I still feel like dying. END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG Use to get this message a lot, including the last time I spoke to Arielle / Ava D on the phone… Last thing she ever said to me… Not that it upset me at all… Just totally distressed me… BEGIN:VMSG
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:16.08.2013 23:56:21 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Listened to part of your voicemail. I do personally think you’re exception= ally beautiful ( though the conventional socially constructed conception m= ay not apply, hence my hesitation to use the term) and recognise that you = have a quality that I don’t. On the other hand I think comparing us makes = limited sense, as the quality you have would have a very different impact = on whether a female was attractive and I can’t think of a feminine equival= ent. END:VBODY
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:17.08.2013 16:45:02 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:I’m really sorry, I didn’t manage to bring the bag as my parents wouldn’t = let me leave with it.. I can understand their concern as I was crying hyst= erically while on the phone then attempting to leave the house with a heav= y bag while under a section (my dad just happened to feel the weight when = he offered to carry it).. Currently at Victoria.
END:VMSG Just a couple of things would have done if she wanted to show me proof she was not lying to me about some things… A bag she could not carry what for… another lie ? It might sound harsh… But can you imagine being in love with someone that lies to you so much and you are not sure whether they will kill themselves… BEGIN:VMSG
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:17.08.2013 16:48:43 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:My parents are tracking me (said they would stop when section is removed, = but they insist while they’re responsible for me on leave). I’m not refusi= ng to come, but am considering that it’s less likely to lead to further in= terference if I come after being discharged on Monday.
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:17.08.2013 17:45:16 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Don’t have cash, but shall pay you back next time. END:VBODY
Date:17.08.2013 18:29:11 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:We’re here. END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG Paid for the Taxi, black cab £50 not that I minded I wanted to see Arielle… Last time I ever saw her she never came back with any proof of anything… BEGIN:VMSG VERSION:1.1 X-IRMC-STATUS:READ X-IRMC-BOX:INBOX BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:17.08.2013 22:58:12 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:We’re in the house (not metaphorically). Goodnight. X END:VBODY END:VENV END:VMSG I had dropped her down near a friend in my car… In SE London, to meet her friend at a Nando’s… Her friend she told was as mad as she was and was in love with the character / star of V for Vendetta… When I dropped her that was actually the last time I ever saw her… BEGIN:VMSG
VERSION:2.1 N;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:;;;; TEL;CELL:+447753441808 END:VCARD BEGIN:VENV BEGIN:VBODY Date:19.08.2013 10:11:07 TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Apologies,I’d barely slept since your phone call was awake all night with = my friend then oblivious most of yesterday. Not ignoring you. X END:VBODY
END:VMSG Arielle had slept all day she told me on the phone as she had not slept at night… Why I did not hear from her till the day after… BEGIN:VMSG





Date:19.08.2013 11:47:41

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Sorry, cut off and didn’t hear your last utterance, but a nurse is calling=

me anyway. X




Date:19.08.2013 12:10:02

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Waiting again. I guess now would be a good time to call the ward and ask t=

o speak to me if you want evidence. END:VBODY

O I just wanted some truth… Just a little… I had no idea and still do not that Arielle tried to commit suicide and was sectioned… As she had told me so many lies about herself… Might seem harsh, but whether lovers or friends how could I help her in anyway or get the right help for her without knowing at least some of what was really going on… She use to talk exceptionally quietly in a well spoken, one would say ‘posh’ voice… I once asked her if she could speak at a normal level, not loudly but above a whisper, she turned round and told me she could speak like this… Which was a loud extremely rough voice… and then told me all her family spoke differently with different accents… and not to judge her by them… I was not trying to judge her, merely love her and know who I was loving…





Date:19.08.2013 14:23:50

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Still waiting to see to consultant. A new patient keeps threatening to bre=

ak all my bones and seems to think I’m involved with the mafia.. END:VBODY





Date:19.08.2013 14:24:37

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Received your messages from yesterday, but haven’t listened yet due to noi=
















Date:19.08.2013 14:36:22

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:It’s not upsetting as it’s impersonal. It’s a small ward. Hopefully won’t =

have to wait much longer as it’s been 5 hours. END:VBODY







Date:19.08.2013 16:21:04






Date:19.08.2013 16:21:31






Date:19.08.2013 16:45:00






Date:19.08.2013 16:49:54






Date:19.08.2013 16:52:04






Date:19.08.2013 21:21:15

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Do you mind if I come slightly later (2pm)?





Date:19.08.2013 21:24:20

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Yes, actual 2, not unrealised 2. I’ll bring documents, though might leave =





Date:19.08.2013 21:27:37

TEXT;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Home now.. Exhausted. Was polluted by too many humans in the pursuit of ha=


The last time we spoke on the phone… she said she was still coming to see me the following day with some proof, last words on the phone were “I still feel like dying” she also told me she loved me still but was not sure if she was in love with me, but then said she was still in love with me… Then said “I still feel like dying”… Never came the following day… her phone went to number no longer in service… the following day… so I take it she planned it… as usually takes time to get it cancelled or maybe not… as I called her 3 times the following day, twice went to answer phone then 3rd time number not in use… Then left me wondering if she was going to kill herself… a bit paranoid as she lied to me so much… changed every password I had as she had access / knew my MacBook’s password…

I might sound strange asking her to prove a lot of what she had told me… But it was fucking my head up all her lies

was fucking my head up… all her lies…

Maybe I sound like a terrible person loving someone that loved me, but had a pathological aversion for telling the truth, why Arielle / Ava D did well a clinical psychologist might be able to find out… Then maybe she did not like her reality accept when she was with me… she constantly told me that she was with me now that was all that mattered not the truth… Maybe pushing for the truth made her worse… questioning her made her hate me… I cannot hate, but know if someone hates you so much they would lie about you to destroy your life they did and still do love you… maybe in a terrible way…

Arielle De Lacy / Ava D did tell me both her parents studied did a degree a SouthBank University where they met… Neither that I saw were particularly attractive, but managed to produce a stunningly beautiful women… and totally fuck up doing it and fuck her up… then as long as they found each other attractive I suppose that was all that mattered about that… The rest though… Her mother particularly, her mother being one of those people with a tiny little twisted mind, who has never lived and then she thinks she knows best for her adult daughter, after fucking her daughter up from an early age trying to live through her… Not that that is any kind of excuse for what Arielle has been doing, lying about me, involving others and generally trying to fuck my life up… I think one of Arielle nightmares was as she grew older become her mother or like her…

A few things I did not mention in this, one she kept on about being a virgin as well as going on about suicide, and wanted to wait to have sex to decide if I was the one… So we never did, though she liked doing ‘rude’ things as she put it, and liked dry humping me, which though it turned her on it turned me off and hurt… Though the last time she came around she got naked, and while I wanted to talk and cuddle she wanted to dry hump me, which turned out to be for the last time, she actually asked if it hurt as , since I had mentioned before it did which she use to be to turned on and excited about to ever ask before, I was fully clothed, and still had my jeans on, so I said no… Still not a turn on but the jeans saved me from being ground and rub sore, dry humping in case you do not know the term, is the woman rubs against your penis, no penetration and not turn me on and hurting made me want to shrivel away from the pain… Now the last time she came around, where she had lied to me about so many things about herself, I did tell her I had looked up about virginity and there is no way to prove it as the woman’s hymen, can be broken, by doing virtually anything, and Arielle liked doing the splits, had been on a motorbike and various other things… So I mentioned there was no way I could know for certain she was telling the truth about that. Not that it was an issue for me whether she was or was not, but seemed to be a big deal for her. She was upset that I mentioned that. Though I do think she probably was telling the truth about being a virgin. Also I asked her if her eyes were really blue, coloured contacts, if she was wearing contacts I could not tell, and like dark eyes equally as well as blue. I did talk to an English Indian descent woman recently, who had green eyes, she was a make-up artists, laughed and told me they were coloured contacts I could not tell they were either, though I did study her eyes and look from different angles which made her laugh. Also another thing we discussed among others was that if most of what I knew about her was lies she had told me, who was I in love with… That did not go down to well either. So apart from wanting her to tell me the ‘truth of things’ and show me proof, which if she loved me I did not see as such a problem for her… Then maybe I did not take into account how important her fabricated life was to her… In fact an art model that I knew before her, but only worked with after her, and we talked a lot about my relationship with Arielle, though I never told me her name at the time. Though did tell her name quite recently emailed me back, saying she looked her up quickly and she is known as a liar… and gave me this link…

Now I am still really not sure about her eyes, whatever this link says… Her ‘brother’ I heavily suspect it is actually her ‘photoshopped’ with stubble an altered jaw line etc… She does have a brother but they most definitely do not look like twins… and the bit about her and designer clothes at 16, I am pretty sure is a fabrication… though this is a rather ‘mean’ post about her… The model that sent me this link, who modelled for some art projects nude I told about various things, including being taken to court on lies and fabricated charges… in Spain, for which I was told I was acquitted at court, because apart from it being lies, nobody turned up to accuse me of anything in court… She just said that is all bonkers, nobody but an idiot would believe any of it or of you doing anything wrong… The model is very attractive, sexy, very intelligent, well educated and has known me for years, and never had the slightest hesitation to work nude with me or talking with me, she always enjoyed working with me… and though she had worked with some sleazy dodgy guys, I most certainly was not one… as she always really liked me as a human being… Why we are still in touch… and Arielle / Ava D was most definitely talking to people in Spain, they knew somethings they could only know if she had told them… I also think I might have come across her current boyfriend, a pretty bland OK looking Italian I think, who kept turning up in a coffee shop in London where I use to hang out… and has caused trouble for me as well, who if he believes her is a moron, as she lies so much, or a nasty little shit, which is more likely involved in all of this with her… Drives a Dodge Charger and turned up in Brent Cross when I was over there several moths ago as well…

Now I am not one to ‘wash my linen in public’… or if a relationship does not work out to… But when I have a bunch of people lying about me, including ex’s and various other people and causing me problems in all aspects in my life…

I had every intention after my mothers death and finishing my artists book, to go and find her and at least make sure she was alive, alright, after my return from Greece in 2015… But was hassled across the Greek islands, Athens and then on my return to London… It did make me wonder if she had killed herself and I was getting the blame… or whether she was involved with what was going on around me…

Some of Arielle’s / Ava D’s doodles while I was working on my mac… I love Russell in her own handwriting… I mean photographs, emails, texts, why not in her handwriting… She also saw some of my handwriting which is virtually illegible… and wanted to show me hers…

There is much more… But rereading the emails and texts is for someone like me reliving it… and highly disturbing… Especially after being harassed for years over lies, including by the police… Also I have tried to speak to them on a number of occasions and they had no interest… I had this and more to show them and much more about other things…

Amazing what shit can happen when one just wants to make some art… The dangers of being loved by stunningly beautiful intelligent women…

Looking back, imagine if I went out with Baby Spice when she hit on me… and it did not work out and she was pissed with me… not that I think she would be like Arielle… But just imagine… Then the same with Alison Goldfrapp from Goldfrapp… after all she is in my connections on here… Alison was always cool…

And yes I have had stunningly beautiful and sexy women hit on me since… more beautiful ones than Arielle / Ava D… Main problem is they are between at a guess… 20 to 26… a few maybe 28… My usual life… Then is it a problem… They are adults and so am I… and if they are into me… Then I will write articles / post a few more things to do with beautiful women and my life… And I will definitely be posting about some more people and places including ex’s… O and write more about Arielle / Ava D…

I have been trying to sort out things legally… But from what I can gather I appear to have no human rights… ? United Nations… surely… No EU rights ? and talking to a recommended solicitor that is suppose to be very good I was told that they and their law firm would not want to represent me… No legal representation or redress… Really… Which included 3 of my artists books being destroyed by a world famous artist, 2 high end commercial galleries and 1 other gallery, that represent several Turner prize winners or runners up… and 2 representing some of the most famous artists in the world… Most of whom at least I am suppose to be better than… including the world famous artist… or maybe the most famous artist in the world… who I am also suppose to be better than… you know more cutting edge… intellectual… fun.. and promised to keep them safe and return them to me… That is among other things…

Apart from my art / work / writing etc… You have no idea how many people through my life have met me and turned around and said variations on, “You are amazing, I have never met anyone like you, I did not know people like you really existed.” Including university lecturers… people I have talked to in coffee shops, etc… But that for many people is another reason to slag me off and lie about me… including woman who hit on me I was not interested or did not find beautiful…

Then beauty, when I talk about beauty, well aesthetics, I am an artist and photographer… and have been a fashion photographer… Beauty so many use the term about people… women… It is almost throw away… Arielle / Ava D… No photographs I have seen of her anywhere… the good ones… or my ones, do her justice… She would never do a proper shoot with me… That was work as far as she was concerned… Me she if I tried to photograph her I would get a quick shot before she pounced on me, smothering me in kisses… Walking down the street with her, like several women I have been in relationships with… Beauty of face and form… She could stop traffic… literally… Men, women and children use to stop, turn and watch her… some pointing with open mouths… One time we were leaving the only pub I use to frequent, we had just had a meal… I was walking in front, and some guy of about 25 said something to her and I turned, and he just looked at me and raised his hands, meaning no offence… I had taken none… I asked her what he said, she just said he was hitting on me… I said I do not think so… Later she actually told me what he said as she walked past… “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen”… I said to her again he was not hitting on you… did you not look at his face… she said “No”… I said when I turned and he raised his hands meaning no offence… He looked in shock… Thunder struck… he was not giving you a line… Another time walking with her in Knightsbridge, a woman of about 35 was coming the other way, extremely attractive and well dressed, and she looked at me then Arielle and then back and forth and wilted visibly… I did notice, my cat of many names hackles come up… slightly… out of the corner of my eye… I also noticed she change the way she walked slightly, became more aggressive… I mentioned it too her after the woman passed… She laughed and said she liked doing that, not just when she was with me… I said that was a bit sadistic, as she could use her beauty like a weapon to terrify other women and was more than aware she was doing it… which I did tell her was not nice… Then one thing she sometimes complained about was that when she was with me, no men hit on her, or hardly looked at her, she totally confused her as she was so use to it.. complained might be too stronger word…I said men can see you are with me, and it is obvious we are a couple… How she was with me often walking or while I was driving the car wrapping herself around me… In fact a few times I turned and she was staring at the odd man… I quipped, a few times, you would rather be with them, she said of course not, but they, meaning men, usually stare at me, hit on me and follow me around… even when I am with my parents… But not when I am with you, I find it so strange… Though a flip side to that… as she told me, she could actually look at people when she was with me, men, women and they would not bother her… they would not take it as an invite to come talk to her or hit on her etc… Then that was another thing she found strange with me, I am use to pretty and even beautiful women, I talk laugh and with them as I do with most people… I am also use to stunningly beautiful women, to some degree, and also use to talking and laughing with them and just that not thinking it gos anywhere except the pleasure of the conversation… And as I mentioned in relationships with a few… So being with a stunningly beautiful woman was not exactly unusual for me… and like many men around her I did not ‘fall at her feet’… Loved her as she loved me… the mutual pleasure of being together…

Then I might presume, maybe wrongly, that even someone of moderate intelligence might realise that if I have been hit on by 2 beautiful world famous popstars, much more recently Arielle De Lacy / Ava D… That lots of women over time up to recently might have hit on me too… Though I am always surprised when it happens or an attractive woman likes me, which I think might be slightly different to how many men think or woman for that matter… That have people hit on them… Though I do realise that having a lot of women through my life hit on me, and especially the ones I have, which is rather unusual I would guess… does give me a slightly different perspective to most people… and about sex… because when I researched a few years ago, by the time I was 25 or so I had already had more sex than the average person does in their entire lifetime… mostly with the first women that I was in a serious relationship with… and lived with… extremely good sex all the way through the relationship as well… and not just from my point of view, she once told me one of her closest friends asked her why we are together, she said it was because it was the best sex she had ever had… and she was already ‘experienced’… Which actually upset me at the time… But did not talk about it till after we broke up and got back together again… She seemed surprised then I was upset.. I said because you said it was about the sex and not that you were in love with me… Her reply was, of course I told her that as well… Which also gives me a more unusual perspective on sex… as having so much mutual pleasure through life with women, I have always found I can take it or leave it… and only has meaning with an emotional content of mutual love and respect, or in a few cases maybe mutual sexual lust and desire…

Now Arielle / Ava D might be beautiful, but a pathological liar… Now a lot of people believe in karma, now if karma works then Arielle De Lacy / Ava D a beautiful lying little sociopath… and a lot of people she knows, including her repulsive mother… should be in prison or a psych ward… Along with a lot of others… I realise why her mother did not like her seeing me and had no problem with that… and if Arielle / Ava D did not want to see me anymore or wanted to be with someone else I had no problem… But lying about me and trying to fuck my life up with a bunch of others, I do have a problem with that… I do not believe in karma as such, though is a nice idea, but not just in this case but looking at the world, really karma works… I do believe in justice though… The law or those that supposedly enforce it, and I am not just talking about the police but the entire system… There do seem to be problems with that… But justice… I do believe in and with her and all the others… This is far from over… Now it would be nice to believe people actually are good and believe in justice… I know many claim too… and do do some things that are good in the world… but that does not make them intrinsically good, just doing what their own agendas… But justice across the board is another thing… Justice, ethics… also we will see how many ‘good people’ their really are in the world, that actually believe in justice and ethics… also how well the law works… And as I said things are far from over… Justice will eventually prevail not just to do with this or anything else going on around me… in the world as a whole… for otherwise I really cannot see a future for the human race as a whole…

Talking about psychologist, which I have on several different occasions… there are several different reasons why people study psychology, one is people fascinate them, and they want to help and heal people. Another is to get inside peoples heads and then use their expertise to work in advertisings etc… Another, as in the case of a make-up artist that I worked with and use to be friends with, who I eventually told off as she use to love talking to me and asking my advise about men and all her ‘traumas’, as I pointed out to her I was her friend, not her analyst, and a lot of things she told me I would rather not have known nearly all about her sexual practises, including swapping partners as her then boyfriend wanted too… and ‘she did everything he wanted’… I did point out one that a relationship is about doing what you both want… and doing what your partner wants but you do not, is both a repulsive idea and stupid… should be about mutual pleasure… She later did a psychology degree trying to work out her own ‘traumas’… I know this as she use to email me questionnaires… The other important thing about this is one cannot analyse oneself… O I have read a lot of psychology because people fascinate me and I want to help them… and being an artist and much of my work based around ‘the human’ it is research…

Just read that thread all the way through… Prettyuglylittleliar… I am mentioned on there… Her father is black British of Nigerian descent if she is to be believed… Though I have never met him, I have seen him and he is black, her mother is Welsh Indian descent… She claimed her grandmother on her fathers side was white English and the last direct descendent of the De Lacy’s, why she put the Norman bit on her profile on RAM… You comes from Chatham off a housing estate which I was told by someone in Rochester was rather ‘rough’ and had a bad reputation locally, whether that is true or not I do not know… She always told me she came from Rochester, but lived in a huge house in its own grounds outside… I always use to tell her I did not care where she came from, it meant nothing to me… but I would appreciate it if you would stop lying… It also says she is studying psychology at Oxford… Not the same as therapy… O since her parents looked me up and got stuff wrong, after she disappeared on me I looked them up… I also changed every password I had including on my bank accounts… She use to watch me log in on my Mac all the time and knew my password… Which use to unlock all my others… Her mother is Babita Lacey, who the one time I met her called Arielle, Gem… I did ask her if her name was really Gemma, she said no it was her mothers nickname for her… Arielle / Ava De Lacy’s fathers name is Francis Obinna Glen Lacey and from what she told me is a chemical engineer, and her brother is Jay Lacey and studied English literature at Cambridge… Arielle De Lacy’s passport, a real one said she was Arielle Beatrice De Lacy, not Gemma Lacey… Her parents lived in Walderslade, Chatham, Kent or still do…

Then Italian is a guess, could be… one of several nationalities…

So a beautiful young woman that is suppose to model nude for you / your art, instead hits on you, jumps all over you naked whenever she sees you. Asks you if you will marry her, tells you she loves you and is in love with you, and if she had not met you she would have killed herself, as she had been planning to do it for years. She lies to about virtually everything about herself, who she is etc… You show her your artists book, unfinished that is in a box loose pages, she thinks it is brilliant, the sculpture, painting, art installations and she loves your writing, she really thinks it is a work of genius, and shows you some of her writing, to see what you think. You never say as it is boring, cliché… etc… You leave her alone in the flat you are staying in on many occasions, pop out to get shopping or a take away. Apart from when she is jumping all over when she is around, she has her iPhone virtually always in her hand. She tells you so many lies, and when you ask her about it and maybe telling the truth about anything, she tells you it does not matter as she is with you now and that is all that matters. You beg to differ, as you like truth. She gets upset that you expect her to be honest, you assume a strange concept for her. Her mother hates you and tells her that you will probably never do anything no matter how brilliant you are, as she has told her mother and also got you to email her some of your art and writing so she can show her mother, and she seems fascinated by just how brilliant your work is. Maybe just your work you have emailed her or maybe every page, of the book copied using her iPhone. She realises you are serious about knowing who the hell she is and the truth and she really does not what to say… You do not even know if her eyes are really blue, or they are contacts, good one if they are. Eventually she disappears on you, later in 2013… 2014 your mother dies peacefully in her sleep, and among the things you promised her before was that you would go back do the art, finish the book. 2015 you start a blog, as people while you are on the Greek islands, revising your artists book are spreading lies about you, coming initially you think from a sad bunch of stpid twisted ex pats in Spain. Though because of certain things happening around you, you suspect that though your stats do not say hardly anyone has looked at your blog people seem to know about it. You are getting lots of shit over lies, which might be increasing and from more sources. You know whatever the reason you are being hassled must be lies because you have done nothing wrong, but the amount of hassle and harassment you are getting… You arrive on Mykonos 3rd time that trip, and strange things are happening around you and you think you are going to get shit there as well, instead in the evening while waiting for a ferry after deciding to leave that same day, 100’s and 100’s of people come down to the port, many calling out “Odysseus” and “Beauty”… And then you are heavily suspicious about an ex, say the one that loved your artists book, could have copied it all, claimed the work as theirs, and has heard that you are actually going to finish the final revision and start showing it to galleries, and maybe try to get it published, or some of the writing from it, including the poetry she loved, as well as the thought and philosophical musings in your artists book. So she accuses you of a bunch of lies, and causes you to get even more harassment. Because she is a thief, a liar, a fraud and very likely very psychologically unbalanced, and does not want to be exposed… Many things happen after and you are still being hassled everywhere, including by the police. People misdirect you, including even trying to talk to the police. Also it is 2015 2 years after you have last seen this ex, and you think if she was going to lie about you and accuse you of things that never happened, she would have done so after she disappeared on you in 2013, and you would have been getting this level of harassment before… You worrying she might have killed herself, as she kept telling you if she was no longer with you… Then you remember again what she told you her mother said about you, he would never do anything now… So you realise that she might have panicked and started saying the lies online in 2015, she might have lied about you to some people before, but when she realised she would be exposed for what she really is she goes for it big time… Sounds farfetched… She even knew the log in on your Mac, so could take all your ideas, apart from the ones you told her about… This is an artists book The Tate put in their special archive of artists books… and all of it, including the poetic writing / poetry, writing is suppose to be brilliant… Then maybe she was just pissed off because you did not believe her lies, pulled her up on them and wanted the truth… She did seem to think because she was beautiful that was all that mattered… What kind of person is she… ? And who should harassed and hassled everywhere they go… If anyone… It should be a legal matter for the police and the Crown Prosecution Services, looking to charge and arrest her, her boyfriend and who ever else she has got to lie about you, or been involved with that have spread lies about you… anywhere in the world… Now that would be justice… Or the beginning of it, surely… Also I have had so many beautiful women hit on me through my life… Arielle / Ava De Lacy was not particularly unusual, in the sense she hit on me, though was realising that she was lying about virtually everything about herself… and woman that know nothing about me but like the look of me… In fact if I tell them I am an artist or photographer, or have been a fashion photographer that usually outs them off… As they immediately assume I have lots of beautiful women around me… Let alone if I mention any women that have hit on me… I mean apart from anyone else 2 world famous beautiful pop stars…

This is an email I sent to Arielle De Lacy / Ava De Lacy whatever she is calling herself now, after she disappeared on me…


From: Date: To:

Russell Hand
06/09/13 (16:38:59 CDT) Arielle de Lacy

Text (4 KB)
Misunderstandings… This is a quick email I might send you a longer one that

explains more…

1. I think you have an amazing mind.
2. When you told me you only had 2 gcse’s, I wasn’t exasperated because that was all you had, but because your parents want you to go to uni. That doesn’t mean anything to me, I go on what I think of your intelligence and creativity. Which I think is exceptional.
3. When I saw those ‘glamour’ nude and lingerie images of you my body turned to ice. To take images of you like that is a crime. I know you said you didn’t realise, and I know I called you an idiot.
4. I wanted some proof about things, so I knew what was true and what were flights of fancy. I know some are. What is and isn’t I wanted to know. Not to have a go at you, but so I had more understanding.
5. You said your father was going to cut off your allowance, and if you still wanted to assist me and model for me, I was going to sort out employing you. As my assistant, but also as my model if you wanted to still.
6. I wanted to know who you were, I told you several times I didn’t care if you were rich or poor or lived in a huge house or a small house on the Lordswood estate. Which I mean.
7. Out of the 20 real artists in the world only 2 work with life models or models at all. Maybe 3 if I can get my act together.
8. I didn’t want you modelling for other artists or photographers, as I didn’t want any more images of you produced that made you look less than you are. 9. If you would have told me you were with a fashion modelling agency I wouldn’t have objected, I much prefer that to you being an independent model. 10. You took or take much more notice of what I said than I realised, and because you are so intelligent and perceptive, I kept forgetting how young you are.
11. Whether we were still romantically involved or not doesn’t affect whether I like, love or care about you, I still wanted to keep in touch and maybe work together.
12. I was and still want you to model for me if you want to, because I need you as a model, and so I can produced beautiful images and sculptures of you as you should be shown, and to wipe out the bad ones by other people in the past. 13. I do need you in my life, in whatever capacity, I worked with a model yesterday, pretty, and felt like I was cheating on you even though I didn’t do anything other than some work with her, though she told me she wasn’t involved with anyone and would make a good girlfriend, she was 22.
14. I have wondered if me telling things from my past, which though they are all true, made you feel as though you were competing against it, or weren’t good enough, you did once say that you felt like you should go away and improve yourself. It was and is you I love not my past. And whether you find this funny or not I have only ever loved a few women, all in the past and of no importance except you. As you are one of the ones I truly loved.
15. You were always a positive effect on me, what wasn’t was not knowing what was true or flights of fancy that you told me. Trust is very important as well as love.
16. When you came to see me last the other Saturday, apart from anything else that happened, you came up to see me when I was on the roof terrace smoking, just like you always have.
17. Of love, if you love someone and they make you happy, that is love. and I did most of the time. And when you were with me you often asked if there was a gas leak in the flat as you felt so heady.
18. I never made it clear but when you told me you’d been to the doctors and they said since you were no longer coughing up blood and you were fine, I was very pleased.
19. I want you to be happy and have a wonderful life, though cutting me off, changing your number and not talking to or explaining anything to me seems extremely harsh, because you did and did say when I last saw you, you still love me, I could say changing your number so I can’t ring or text, when you always said you weren’t bothered by all the others, I could class as flattering or you think that badly of me.
20. Of love, you don’t love someone so much as you convinced and showed me you did with me and then just stop loving someone.


When I said in the email I thought she had an amzing mind and cretivity I was referring to her ability to up and lie about everything. Arielle never actually ever modelled for me, the photographs are all social ones I took, more quick snaps when she stayed over or came around… as I have said before I have more texts and emails from her or between us… all backed up… I am saying flights of fancy because I did not want to say lies and deceit after all I did want to hear from her at least to say whether she was alright or not as she kept on well was obsessed with suicide, and long before she knew me… I remember she made fun of me once because I did not know, I think it was Beachy Head was a set of high cliffs famous for people throwing themselves off of… Why would I know famous suicide spots… Not my kind of thing…

Last night / earlier hours of this morning Sunday 7th October 2018, while crossing the road to Mornington Crescent tube station a black London cab went by and as it did a bottle of open but full drinking water was thrown at me and it hit me in the chest and splashed water all over me. It was not an accident and put me in a bad mood… Did not get the number plate or taxi license, but but would be on camera if the police bothered to check. The bottle of drinking water was thrown by the driver. Should lose his taxi license for that.

An Instagram message between me and some one that knew / knows Arielle De Lacy / Ava De Lacy / Gemma Lacey all the same psychotic, pathological lying woman… Not sure how easy it is to read… Here is an image from part of it…

Yes Jan Szafranski had already told me his full name right near the beginning of this messaging but wanted some confirmation… That would be Stephane Graff a not very interesting artist son of Lawrence Graff founder of Graff Diamonds and they are billionaires. Also if Jan Szafranski gave me the right Stephane Graff he was born in 1965 so why was I been hassled over at difference. I am also convinced Stephane Graff and his connections has been involved in me being harassed hassled and destroying my art career, fashion photography career and life. Even more so as Arielle / Ava was coercing me to see and marry her by threatening to kill herself. You might ask why I did not just throw Arielle out after she decided she was not going to model for my art and decided we were going to be in a relationship instead. Well one I was actually worried she might kill herself and as it turned even if I had she would have stilled lied about me and accused me of whatever she has.

Among the many problems Arielle found with me was I was far more intelligent than her… and creative… So Jan is telling me she was in MENSA the society of geniuses… Really… Plus she was far from the most beautiful woman that has ever hit on me, before her or after…

I will continue this and explain more later… which includes at least one other ex… some women that modelled for me, ex pats in Spain, friends etc… all interconnected… and lots and lots of lies about me…

I am still shocked by how toxic so many people are, not just women I have been in relationships with, but women that have hit on me I did not want to get involved with. Friends, people I have been friendly with, I suspect even people that have never met, but still toxic and have lied about me and / or been vindictive. women that loved me and said they were in love with me once. How could they be like this. This article is worth reading and highly relevant.

MeToo Will Not Survive Unless We Recognize Toxic Femininity’ by Meghan Daum.

Part 2 About Arielle De Lacy / Ava De Lacy clinically diagnosed pathological liar, narcissist sociopath / psychopath. de-lacy-ava-de-lacy-gemma-lacey-diagnosed-active-psychopath-all-the-same- person-one-of-my-exs-part-ii/

This is so not over till the psychopath is in prison or a psychiatric ward along with many others. Well Odysseus did face many adversaries including the Sirens and Circe among others… What ever I have been wanting to bring this to court for years… I want it to go to court… All these pieces of lying shit do not want to go to a real honest court because they are lying pieces of human shit… and the police are part of it…

Russell Hand © ®