These are not my photographs but is if one were walking down the street a more recognisable ones of Arielle / Ava De Lacy than most of her fashion photographs. Arielle / Ava De Lacy pathological liar, narcissistic sociopath / psychopath and toxic person. Obvious if the person who has copyright on this photograph wants to ask me to remove it, I will be more than happy to do so. Interestingly she always said she did not wear t-shirts or jeans as she thought they were far too common for her. Also someone recently said to me if you did not know her blue eyes were contact lenses how come you have photographs posted of her with brown eyes. I did ask them where they saw the photographs with brown eyes. They said it must have been your instagram. Well they are here not on my instagram and I found them on the web after I found out Arielle / Ava etc was lying about me. Which was in 2017 3 years after I last saw her. I also as she always wore her blue contact lenses and swore she had blue eyes whenever I saw her or she stayed over finding these photos with brown eyes confirmed it was one more thing she lied about. Including the story she had her blue eyes from her white English grandmother. So maybe some help with peoples deductive reasoning. After all why would I say she always said her blue eyes were real and then post photos where she has brown eyes unless I found out later that she did indeed not have blue eyes but brown. Which still seems a strange thing to lie about then nearly everything she told me was a lie. Then another thing he said though not connected with this page was Alison Goldfrapp is a lesbian. That assumes being lesbian now or in a relationship with a woman currently means she has only ever been into women that does not show much deductive reasoning or a flexible mind. Alison Goldfrapp when at art school and I knew her was seeing first Nigel and then Ed Underwood,
both men. So now she is with a woman, bisexual.
I wrote quite a long introduction to these digital messages I have recently had with Jan Szafranski, who has known and been in a sexual relationship with Arielle De Lacy / Ava De Lacy / Axelle De Lacy or Gemma Lacey whatever she wants to call herself, since 2011. But then deleted it. This woman has lied to me, she asked me to marry her in 2013, she also disappeared on me in 2013, has lied about me ever since, got others to lie about me, accused me of things that never happened, still not sure what and got others too. Arielle / Ava was a nude art model, which is how I met her, she was suppose to model for my art, though some of the images I found of her modelling she had done before were not art, more porn, some maybe glamour, sleazy and tacky. Which she had been trying to hide from me, one reason for the different use of names, also so I did not find out she was as sleazy and tacky as the worst of the images of her. Now if someone wants to sleep around with multiple partners, lie about it and be a nasty little shit of a person no matter how beautiful they are that is up to them, though why drag me into their revolting little life. I did also say on numerous occasions if you do not want to be with don’t, that is up to you, which pissed her off and then she would say you don’t want to be with me I would have already killed myself if I had not met you, and would if we were not together. She knew I neither liked sleaze, sleazy people or liars. She talked to people in Spain and other countries and got them to lie about me and accuse me of fuck knows what. Now some of you that are connected with me on LinkedIn, will know nothing about this, but some surely do, I mean I have 100’s of high end fashion people on LinkedIn, and I am a world class fashion photographer and have not one fashion photography commission. More I am a world class artist and struggle to get a show or exhibition… Though if you read these messages and my writing at the end you might begin to understand why and how I have been lied about and had Arielle and a bunch of other people, both men and women lie about me and try to fuck my life up… They do speak for themselves…
Jan Szafranski (sadisticscribbler) text have a white background mine have a grey background.

Yes Jan Szafranski had already told me his full name right near the beginning of this messaging but wanted some confirmation… That would be Stephane Graff a not very interesting artist son of Lawrence Graff founder of Graff Diamonds and they are billionaires. Also if Jan Szafranski gave me the right Stephane Graff he was born in 1965 so why was I been hassled over at difference. I am also convinced Stephane Graff and his connections has been involved in me being harassed hassled and destroying my art career, fashion photography career and life. Even more so as Arielle / Ava was coercing me to see and marry her by threatening to kill herself. You might ask why I did not just throw Arielle out after she decided she was not going to model for my art and decided we were going to be in a relationship instead. Well one I was actually worried she might kill herself and as it turned even if I had she would have stilled lied about me and accused me of whatever she has.

Was not thinking about killing herself, that should have been…

I wanted some photographs that I had seen online as proof of how sleazy and lying Arielle / Ava De Lacy was. Wrong but since I was being harassed and hassled. Which I think now I was from 2013 about her just did not notice it to start with just thought people were being arseholes.

That is an unusual way of diagnosing phrasing Arielle / Ava condition. With clinical psychology it usually is BDP Border Line Personality Disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Then the most extreme Psychopathic Personality Disorder. Which actually means that Arielle / Ava is clinically diagnosed a narcissists sociopath psychopath and as with most psychopaths and especially knowing Arielle a pathological liar as well. So Arielle / Ava is actually a pathological liar narcissist psychopath. Psychopaths and many other psychological conditions are most often inherited genetic traits and incurable. Ones she seems to share with both her mother and father from what she told me and they way they acted. Very unpleasant people. I have been reading psychology since I was 17. For art and also trying to understand what is wrong with people.

There are far more people than I realised with negative pathologies nd psychological conditions. Some people are trying to ‘normalize’ them, which is serious not a good idea in the long run for those with negative psychological conditions society or the future of the human race. Another I never realised to all this starting happening, if you piss people off, a person or a group of people can just accuse you of anything and be taken seriously. Especially now with social media. Particularly at the moment or especially mixed race women who also turn anything into a race issue on the most spurious grounds. I never realised how pissed off women can get if they hit on you and you are not interested, or if you do not think they are beautiful, or even women I have been in relationships with who I was less than impressed with as human beings. I even realised recently just how toxic lying and manipulative one of my sisters is; Janet Hand who was a senior lecturer at Goldsmiths University and then Head of the Art department there and a ‘feminist’ that invents and creates scenarios to reenforce her manipulations and lies. Janet was always like that since we were children but I think most of the family just thought it was her and did not take it too seriously until more recently when their interests coincided.

Yes Jan Szafranski had already told me his full name right near the beginning of this messaging but wanted some confirmation… That would be Stephane Graff a not very interesting artist son of Lawrence Graff founder of Graff Diamonds and they are billionaires. Also if Jan Szafranski gave me the right Stephane Graff he was born in 1965 so why was I been hassled over at difference. I am also convinced Stephane Graff and his connections has been involved in me being harassed hassled and destroying my art career, fashion photography career and life. Even more so as Arielle / Ava was coercing me to see and marry her by threatening to kill herself. You might ask why I did not just throw Arielle out after she decided she was not going to model for my art and decided we were going to be in a relationship instead. Well one I was actually worried she might kill herself and as it turned even if I had she would have stilled lied about me and accused me of whatever she has.

To repeat Yes Jan Szafranski had already told me his full name right near the beginning of this messaging but wanted some confirmation… That would be Stephane Graff a not very interesting artist son of Lawrence Graff founder of Graff Diamonds and they are billionaires. Also if Jan Szafranski gave me the right Stephane Graff he was born in 1965 so why was I been hassled over age difference. I am also convinced Stephane Graff and his connections has been involved in me being harassed hassled and destroying my art career, fashion photography career and life. Even more so as Arielle / Ava was coercing me to see and marry her by threatening to kill herself. You might ask why I did not just throw Arielle out after she decided she was not going to model for my art and decided we were going to be in a relationship instead. Well one I was actually worried she might kill herself and as it turned even if I had she would have stilled lied about me and accused me of whatever she has.
Several times when talking with people in 2015 they mentioned a video with a woman screaming and crying and deleting it and stopping following her. Though when I asked what they meant and about the video they refused to say anything apart from it is nothing. I can only assume now it was Arielle / Ava screaming crying lying and falsely accusing me of things. I would be extremely interest in seeing this performance for several reasons including just how good the acting was and just how much she wanted to and still does want to lie about me and destroy my life and career. Arielle / Ava told me on several occasions she had been the way she was since she was at least 3 years old and also blamed her parents for making her worse rather than better. Also from what I now know she was living with Stephane Graff at the time the billionaire son who claims to know about Freud & Jung which if he does know anything he would have been aware that there was something seriously wrong with Arielle / Ava and also that she was a liar with a violent and sadistic spiteful streak. He might have even known she had been diagnosed as a pathological liar narcissist sociopath psychopath. He might well know she also as an MO Modus Operandi of destroying her ex’s lives and it does seem especially me. Then she did think I was brilliant and did coerce me into a relationship and to marry her, also convincing me she was a sweet innocent woman and a even a virgin. Why ? Well I realise a lot of people will not understand this but even people that are beautiful and intelligent and maybe also rich still want to be brilliant at something and lots of things, art or science or writing. They want to be something rather than just a pretty person with OK intelligence and money. Even billionaires want to be brilliant though even most of them are far from that.
To be continued
Russell Hand © ®